The Success of a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts

You reckon with the fact that someone who you like, not only suffers from addiction but needs help. Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is difficult for any human being. Where do you start? Who do you trust a loved one? What questions should you ask about the rehabilitation program? Perhaps you've been in this situation before, and you are now experiencing a feeling of hopelessness in the choice of rehab center drug that will work, this time for sure. Perhaps it is - the first time you have to make the choice to help someone you love. The rehabilitation process can be difficult, but eventually, you will return to normal life of a loved one.

Do you want to see the person you love free from drugs? Do you want a loved one live a healthy and productive life? By asking the right question on each of the following areas, choosing the right rehab center, your chances of that drug dependent people will regain a healthy and happy life free of drugs, will increase.

How to choose a successful drug rehabilitation center?

Obviously, the higher the success rate, the greater the probability that your loved one to get rid of drug addiction. Ask the employees of the center to talk with alumni, who were freed from dependence or with their families. Get real opinions from real people.

Methods - What methods are used by drug addicts rehabilitation center?

Ask if they apply to all aspects of addiction, including what is the cause of addiction. Methods that only deal with one aspect of the relationship (for example, only the body) are more likely to fail. Remember that the relationship should be from the set of many factors, including a reduction of ethics and integrity and increasing the burden of guilt and shame, from which one can not get rid of on their own. The life of an addict includes bad habits, poor health, and difficulty facing problems. Effective rehabilitation program works not only psychological but also with the physical and mental aspects of addiction. It provides practical skills that can help a man to succeed in life, as soon as the drug rehabilitation program is completed.

The staff - whether the staff of the center's experience with the drug addicts?

If so, what? Have better-trained staff will have experience with addiction. They will not find out about it in books. What is the real knowledge they have with drug addiction? What is the reason for their work in this field? The competent employee will be able to easily answer any question related to the rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Follow the program - which follows the program waits for a person when he returns from the rehabilitation center?

It is important. Referring back newly rehabilitated drug addict in the world, without any continuation can be dangerous. Make sure there is a program like "Together" or "Setting without drug addicts and alcoholics." Good rehabilitation program regularly keeps in touch by phone, arrange a meeting to the graduates and help them solve the problems they face in life.

Location - where the rehabilitation center is located?

Ask how easy it would be for your loved one to leave. Many drug addicts who want to stop using drugs want to go away. drug rehabilitation center conditions should not resemble a prison where violent deduction is used. This increases the chances that a person will be to complete a rehabilitation program to the end, and not run away.

Time - how long it takes a rehabilitation program?

If rehabilitation center offers a longer program is more likely that your family member will succeed. However, if the center allows you to work close to his or her own pace, without imposing time constraints, have your loved one there is a greater chance of overcoming drug addiction, but in any case, short-term rehabilitation methods do not produce the desired result and most likely it is just a hoax.

Price - what is the cost of services in the center of rehabilitation of drug addicts?

Before you discard any program due to its price, ask yourself: What do they offer? A look back at the items above and determine what drug rehab really produces results. Yes, the more the center offers, the greater the probability that the price will be higher. Do your loved one will have a greater chance at becoming healthy, productive member of society. As far as this person is dear to you? Most worthy of rehabilitation centers are in the self-sufficiency and develop and maintain the capacity to act solely on the funds that are paid for a rehabilitation program.

Choosing a rehabilitation center may be difficult. Contact with loved ones suffering from addiction, it is devastating. The above points will help you make the right choice regarding the rehabilitation center that can best help you and your loved ones. With the addiction can be overcome with the right approach.

Types of Rehabilitation and Treatment of Drug

Perhaps each of us has heard the phrase: "Drug addiction is not curable", "Heroin can wait" and many others, who tell us that we must admit their impotence in front of the drug. Drug treatment is useless. We will try to dispel these myths.

Why is there is an opinion? How does this happen?

Myths about drugs!

Most of those who use drugs, do not want to hear anything about the treatment and, especially, on rehabilitation programs.


Yes, because many of them have gone through a number of drug treatment clinics and drug treatment clinics - had not gone well. That is, the drug treatment did not produce results. This is not surprising.
Of course, we can not do without the help of doctors, especially in the period of non-use, when there is such a thing as breaking. But in addition to removing the break-up is necessary to restore - long-term rehabilitation. Especially, if the period of use has been long enough. An only rehabilitation program can give the desired effect -. Only the restoration of the lost during the years of use capabilities

Who will teach him to live without drugs? Who will help him cope with the challenges in life which forced him to use drugs? How to have fun being sober?

Over time drug addict has lost the skills that were given to him from birth, which was inherent in him to drug use. Plus, the drug caused a degradation process, both the physical and the mental plane.
So, having a lot of failures in trying to get rid of drug addiction , hearing from "friends" false information about drugs, a person begins to believe that the redemption is not possible.
that's not true!

There are centers and rehabilitation programs that actually help people get rid of the addiction forever.

We'll help you choose an effective rehabilitation program, and choose for themselves the center where you can get expert help with drug treatment.

Currently, there are several forms of rehabilitation of the drug, and can be listed:
• Program 12 steps
• Religious recovery centers
• Centers using occupational therapy
• compulsory rehabilitation centers
• Centers for rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics who do not give their work methods

About each of the forms of rehabilitation (restoration)

1. The program "12 steps" - includes elements of religion and based on the principle "to admit their powerlessness over drugs" and "I live one day - day clean."

2. Religious programs - mostly working in churches and monasteries. These programs are built in such a way that a person needs to go into a deep religion, and through the recognition of God to escape from dependency. There are people who it helps, but it is those who sincerely believe in God.

3. The occupational therapy centers - are widespread throughout the world and work on the principle of "work from morning till night." In these rehabilitation centers are many factories, as in fact they have a free labor force.

4. Forced Rehabilitation - handcuffs and violence.

5. Are there centers. That could not clearly explain what they offer and what specific recovery procedure was used.

6. Centers using the Narconon program - recovery technique is based on the principle of "Man - the reason that happens to him." This technique is drug-free and enables people to regain lost during the years of drug use own abilities, to restore moral and ethical values, to learn to solve problems in life, which at the time led to the fact that people began to use drugs. From the point of view of the Narconon program - a drug addict is not a sick person - a person who has not resolved the problems of life. And it can be done!

How to Choose Drug Dispensary?

This is not an easy task and requires a sensible approach here. In order to drug addicts taking drugs, I had the opportunity to work, you need the removal of withdrawal or, in medical terms, withdrawal symptoms in drug treatment clinic . At the moment, there are many ways how to remove the withdrawal symptoms . Typically, removal of withdrawal symptoms in the drug treatment clinic is limited to certain medications addict, eventually one becomes similar to the plant to move. Given that the condition of the people after the data preparatory in drug dispensary, it is not very well aware of what is going on around him, a person does not feel pain and even physically not able to wish the drug.

The procedure for removal of withdrawal symptoms in drug treatment hospital , on average, lasts from 5 to 25 days, AMLO we do not take into account the (ultra-fast removal of withdrawal symptoms ). And what happens after drug treatment clinic? And then the addict is discharged from the drug treatment clinic here it "let's go", but no longer on drugs, and medicines that he used the drug in the clinic. Drugs that blocked the withdrawal symptoms are no longer effective, add to this the lack of vitamins and mineral nutrients, resulting in no addict drug withdrawal , but the very presence 'poor health in general. Such a state is not all drug addicts unable to sustain. So, leaving the City Drug Dependence Dispensary addict prone to relapse. Drug smashing has a residual character, a drug addict disappears completely sleep, as in narcological clinic addict could sleep because the doctors were given sleeping pills. Depressive states are greatly increased, it is difficult to recognize a person as in the present time may be sober, nothing pleases, terrible inner being. Just such moments come to accept the idea of drugs. It begins zanogo - a vicious circle. It is in such moments it is necessary to help a person, namely, to solve the psychological aspect of addiction, it is this and engaged in rehabilitation centers and including Narconon center, after removing the break-up in drug treatment clinic. Not an existing member of miracles and magic pills that can cure the addiction, and there will be such pills ever because drug addiction is not a disease - addiction due to the fact that a person has a problem that he can not solve without drugs. Since addiction is a human problem, it can be solved, you only need to know how. Rehabilitation Center Narconon nearly half a century to successfully cope with drug dependence.

After removing the break-up (withdrawal syndrome) in a drug clinic or hospital, need rehabilitation

Thank you very much to physicians, for they can help a person during drug withdrawal and help at the time of the painful condition of the addict, but the addict further recovering of a sphere of rehabilitation and doctors here are powerless, because there are no medicines that are effective in the treatment of drug addiction .

How to correctly choose the Drug Dispensary?

  1. What exactly is included in the procedure of removal of withdrawal symptoms?
  2. Learn how to remove the drug in the clinic break-up.
  3. Which set of drugs used?
  4. What are the terms removal of withdrawal symptoms?
  5. Have any drug rackets are in the territory of Drug Dependency Clinic?
  6. Do you have a license drug treatment clinic?
  7. Look for those who filmed the withdrawal syndrome in the clinic and collect reviews?
  8. If we talk about addiction, the cost of medical services is not so important, it is expensive or cheap, pay attention to the results of people who have already been there and reviews.
  9. Ring up all drug treatment hospital and find out bolshie data.

When you have complete information about the existing methods of removal of withdrawal symptoms, you will have a thorough understanding of situs and you will be able to give preference to the most restrictive of the human body is capable of. The less powerful drugs used, the better.

Even do not try to agree on deep sleep therapy and psychiatric surgery containing funky ways of removing the drug withdrawal. We believe you will find that it is the psychiatrist who will be able to completely understand all the nuances Rask azat on how to remove the addict withdrawal syndrome.

At that moment, when you dealt with substance abuse hospitals , you need to start looking for an effective rehabilitation center. It is very important. Once removed abstinent syndrome needs to move forward, it is important to put an addict rehabilitation center in an effective and rehabilitate the person. Only in this way it is possible to obtain an excellent outcome and deal with drug issues.

What is Vodka?

What exactly is vodka ?

A little history

In 100 grams of vodka contains 40 grams of ethanol and 60 grams of water. The first prototype of vodka was produced in the 9th-century Persian doctor Arstraykom, who first conducted the distillation process. In Europe, the first distillation of alcohol-containing liquid was obtained by the Italian monk - alchemist Velentiuzomom.

In Russia, the emergence of vodka had at the end of the 14th century. In 1386, after Genueskogo embassy brought to Moscow the first vodka (it was called the "living water" or "water of life") and presented to Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Alchemists of Provence boiling cube, invented by the Arabs to convert the grape mash into alcohol. In Europe, a huge list of alcoholic beverages was made of the "water of life": brandy, cognac, whiskey, schnapps, etc..

Vodka is included in the register of narcotic substances

Vodka is included in the register of narcotic substances. By definition, drugs - are any chemical compounds which are not naturally found in the human body and cause it to various disorders (physical and mental). It is also appropriate to mention psychotropic drugs - those that affect a person, causing behavioral changes (such as euphoria or hallucinations). Being a narcotic substance, vodka is a person addicted to alcohol, and subsequently, a person requires treatment for alcoholism .

The overall impact on the body

• Blood
Vodka inhibits platelet production. The result: anemia, infections.

• Brain
vodka slows blood flow in the cerebral vessels, leading to a constant oxygen starvation of its cells, which leads to a weakening of memory and slow mental deterioration.  Vodka is the early sclerotic changes in the vessels, and the risk of bleeding in the brain increases. Vodka, destroying brain cells and the nervous system, sometimes resulting in pneumonia, disturbance of heat and water exchange.

• Blue Devils - vodka is a phenomenon accompanied by extreme agitation, mental insanity, anxiety, fever, shivering, rapid and irregular heartbeat and hallucinations that often occur when receiving a significant amount of alcohol after a few days of abstinence. It arises due to the fact that vodka destroys vitamin B1.

• Heart
Vodka causes an increase in blood cholesterol levels, hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Alcohol myopathy - muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this degeneration of muscles - poor diet and alcohol damage to the nervous system. More precisely, vodka affects the heart muscle.

• Intestine
Vodka, constantly affecting the intestinal wall leads to cell structure change, and they are not able to absorb nutrients and mineral components. This results in the depletion of the body of the alcoholic.

• Diseases of
vodka destroys all the necessary vitamins, due to lack of vitamins the body gets diseases such as scurvy, pellagra and beriberi. Vodka is a constant heartburn and then the risk of peptic ulcer.

• liver
information indicating that the liver is able to neutralize 95% of vodka effect on the body is false. Of course, the liver - a filter inside of us. But, as in the car, the filter is subject to periodic replacement when dirty - liver it does not work. Not everyone can afford preventive liver transplant. Vodka destroys its tissue, entering into a chemical reaction with other substances, it makes it impossible to perform the functions of disinfection toxic body waste products, makes it impossible for the production of the most important for the proteins of the body - all this leads to a rather early death alcoholics.

• Pancreas
Vodka destroys tissue and it also violates the production of insulin - one of the major proteins of the human body. This causes the appearance of a dangerous disease - diabetes.

• Skin
Vodka rapidly ages the skin. The skin quickly loses its elasticity and begins to badly perform their cleaning function.

• Stomach
 Vodka suppresses the production of mucin (a protein responsible for the protection of the gastric mucosa). The result - the development of peptic ulcer disease.

Vodka and offspring

From the above it becomes clear that vodka effect on human lifespan. But this is only the outward signs of damage caused by it. Women, for example, one of the characteristic effects of alcohol misuse - the inability to bear a child. According to statistics vodka causes this effect in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol. Vodka is a very strong effect on sexual function. It leads to premature aging. Drinker woman in 30 years looks much older than his years, and in 40 - she was just an old woman.

On the negative influence of alcohol on the offspring is known since ancient times. Long before the present day has been observed. What drinkers are very frequent stillborn children or spontaneous abortions. If the child was born alive, it is almost always lags behind in development and becomes intellectually defective. By the laws of ancient Greece, young people marry, it was forbidden to drink alcohol. Drunken young husband was forbidden to touch the young wife.

Alcohol and children

In normal healthy children may be addiction to alcohol. Usually vodka disgusted. To use this drink very often pushes children natural curiosity and a bad example for adults. Once in the body of the child, vodka quickly spreads throughout the body with the help of the blood and is concentrated in the brain. Quickly affects children's thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.

I would like to underline the frequent cases of acute alcohol poisoning in children. Their bodies are very susceptible to all sorts of poisons. The nervous system and the brain is extremely vulnerable. In acute alcoholic poisoning of children of preschool and early school age is very frequent deaths.

Be attentive to their children and monitor their own actions in their presence.
From us - adults depends on their future happy life.

Alcoholism in The Family

Not a few families have problems with alcohol. However, not everyone thinks as it affects children and marriage. From this habit of having problems at work, in the family, in communion with others. Alcoholism - a problem. Yielding to the influence of alcohol, a person becomes dependent on it. Over time, losing the human qualities that mainly affects the children. The alcoholic stops caring for the child, to buy clothes, going to school, and sometimes even fed. When the influence of alcohol people can not control themselves. He now and then pulls on the "exploits".

Children of alcoholics ashamed in front of their peers for their parents. They do not feel smartly in front of them. Closes and they develop the complex. Not a few cases of child abuse. And often assault in relation to his wife, with those in front of the children. This tension in the family of a negative impact on children's education. Children of those associates have a bad heredity. Chances are in the future be the same as the parents are great.

Many people know about such a problem as female alcoholism. If your family drinks a woman, it is doubly terrible! The conception of a child under the influence of alcohol can cause a variety of abnormalities in the fetus. Many people believe and think that female alcoholism can not be cured. The opinion is erroneous, this problem is completely solved. The main thing that people recognized that he is dependent and wanted to solve the problem. Relatives have to try to persuade the patient to visit a therapist. The doctor will take the first steps to a normal life. Today, there are many social organizations, which successfully treat addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs and one rehabilitation center for drug addicts Narconon. It should be recognized that there is a problem that you're sick. And if people in the future want to have a healthy family and children, you should pull yourself together and start treatment alc. Relatives need help and support. The patient should not feel abandoned. Only a sincere desire to be normal and healthy will get rid of addiction.

The Nature of The Alcoholic - The Treatment of Alcoholics

Alcoholism brings with it a change in human nature. The nature of his emotional reactions is increasingly and increasingly different from what it was before you started using alcohol . It is difficult to predict the reaction of the alcoholic at any given event. He is characterized by impermanence motives: an alcoholic can behave differently in similar situations. The behavior of the alcoholic defines random factors. So, as the reason for the booze, he can cause completely opposite reasons.

Lifestyle fan of alcohol characterized by passivity. It manifests itself in the stagnant development of the individual. All the time the alcoholic is distributed between work, otherwise not survive, and drunkenness. The rest is relegated to the background. The alcoholic turns away from former friends and acquaintances because their society he was not interested and do not need (of course, provided that they are not alcoholics). Various classes filled the leisure now seem to him unnecessary, tiring. He was not able to deal with nothing more than a long time, quickly loses interest in what he does, becomes impatient and irritable. Spiritual and social development stops. Caught in alcohol network drop out of school, losing interest in his work, does not seek to improve their social position, trying to convince others of the futility and uselessness of these aspirations and cruelly mocks those whose way of life opposed to his own. Sooner or later, the alcoholic will have to fight (although it is not capable of it) for the preservation of their social status. To justify his actions, he tries to prove that all his failures are caused by external circumstances or that its behavior conforms to the environment in which it rotates. If he is still able to treat yourself critically, he seeks salvation in a lie. Thus, an attempt to preserve a semblance of external well-being, to prove that nothing has changed, everything is in order.

Under the influence of alcohol radically change volitional qualities of man. He becomes impatient, inconsistent, undisciplined, easily susceptible to alien influences. Alcoholic short-tempered, restless, he is incapable of prolonged stress will. Lack of will and there is a defect that determines the identity of an alcoholic. His psyche is not integrated, there is no unity of consciousness and action, he will not be able to subordinate their activity goals. In the psyche of alcoholic and child many similarities, which is especially evident in the strong-willed and sensual sphere: inconsistency, exposure to alien influences, lability, uncontrollable passions, an inclination to unexpected acts, etc.

This character trait is lying, formed mainly under the pressure of social factors. Feeling his fall and condemnation of others is psychologically justified by the desire for compensation. The patient comes up to apologize for circumstances, to escape responsibility for their own affairs. It seeks to create an impression of his own usefulness, and moreover - exclusivity, arguing that alcohol does not destroy it, to justify the use of alcohol. The rhetoric about the alleged alcoholic alcohol favorable action as an attempt to avoid public censure.

Taking place under the influence of alcohol, intelligence changes occur primarily in a kind of lazy thinking. Patients try to avoid unusual jobs, avoid difficulties. They quickly tired of the spiritual activities of their active attention is weakened, it is too difficult to concentrate it. Thinking becomes stereotyped. This lack of initiative, dullness and inertia are called intellectual impotence.

Alcoholism Treatment - rehabilitation of alcoholics

This is a fairly accurate description of the person with alcoholism . To live or be near such a person is not easy, but given the fact that in Tatarstan and Russia as a whole the number of people with alcohol problems is steadily growing, the question arises. What is there to do? To live with such a person sometimes becomes very difficult. Wives leave, close throw up their hands and turn away from alcoholics state by and large do not care. Before even been LTP (medical labor dispensaries), which, although they did not solve the problem of alcoholism treatment, but it is a deterrent. At the moment, there is no this. Himself alcoholics tie is very difficult (it would be easy, would be tied). Treatment of alcoholism gives a very small percentage of the alcoholic recovery, as most eventually return to alcohol abuse.

Long-term rehabilitation is the only effective way to combat alcoholism. Rehabilitation is not a cure for alcoholism

•   Alcohol Rehabilitation is not a cure for alcoholism - is recovering of human abilities that have to use.

• Human skills training, how to deal with problems without resorting to alcohol.

• How to choose your environment, because the human environment is one of the key factors.

• Alcoholics Rehabilitation - a recovering of the moral and ethical person.

On the Causes and Consequences of Alcoholism

On the treatment of alcoholism wrote a lot. Even more written about its implications for alcoholism , I will stop your attention on the causes of alcoholism . Alas, life, unfolding in Tatarstan, despite the rapid development of the country, is still very difficult and controversial. But the heavy burden of being at the present time have to carry the middle-class society. This includes factory workers, doctors, teachers and others. And some of them are the most susceptible to alcoholism people working in the factories. Many of them have not received higher education.

The main cause of alcoholism , I believe, is a partner of these people, but rather how they spend it. Labor Day working hard and monotonous, and of course, came home from work, he wants to fully relax in any way to entertain yourself. Here then is born addicted to alcohol. Vodka is known to relieve the mind from the heavy thoughts, fatigue, and thanks to her, all the complexes, which affect people in everyday life, instantly evaporate (it should be noted that this is the main cause of alcoholism among teenagers). The lack of higher education, and, consequently, the thirst for knowledge, deprives a person of the choice of leisure and leaves him only one available method of how to escape from the everyday monotony. Vodka is the only cure for fatigue. Gradually develops into an addiction disease, and people can not live without liquor.

The following are the consequences, in many cases, very heavy, ending in death. The desire for such kind of rest should be nipped in the bud and even better in the childhood. A person's life, as we know, depends on his education. It is through education is necessary to remove the child from alcoholism: to tell him about the consequences of addiction, and most importantly to vaccinate your child a love of literature. And then, in the future, came home from work, this man will not be accepted for another ill-fated bottle and reveals his favorite book, and through which distracted from the monotony and typed forces and, most importantly, will extract from the rest favor.