Types of Rehabilitation and Treatment of Drug

Perhaps each of us has heard the phrase: "Drug addiction is not curable", "Heroin can wait" and many others, who tell us that we must admit their impotence in front of the drug. Drug treatment is useless. We will try to dispel these myths.

Why is there is an opinion? How does this happen?

Myths about drugs!

Most of those who use drugs, do not want to hear anything about the treatment and, especially, on rehabilitation programs.


Yes, because many of them have gone through a number of drug treatment clinics and drug treatment clinics - had not gone well. That is, the drug treatment did not produce results. This is not surprising.
Of course, we can not do without the help of doctors, especially in the period of non-use, when there is such a thing as breaking. But in addition to removing the break-up is necessary to restore - long-term rehabilitation. Especially, if the period of use has been long enough. An only rehabilitation program can give the desired effect -. Only the restoration of the lost during the years of use capabilities

Who will teach him to live without drugs? Who will help him cope with the challenges in life which forced him to use drugs? How to have fun being sober?

Over time drug addict has lost the skills that were given to him from birth, which was inherent in him to drug use. Plus, the drug caused a degradation process, both the physical and the mental plane.
So, having a lot of failures in trying to get rid of drug addiction , hearing from "friends" false information about drugs, a person begins to believe that the redemption is not possible.
that's not true!

There are centers and rehabilitation programs that actually help people get rid of the addiction forever.

We'll help you choose an effective rehabilitation program, and choose for themselves the center where you can get expert help with drug treatment.

Currently, there are several forms of rehabilitation of the drug, and can be listed:
• Program 12 steps
• Religious recovery centers
• Centers using occupational therapy
• compulsory rehabilitation centers
• Centers for rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics who do not give their work methods

About each of the forms of rehabilitation (restoration)

1. The program "12 steps" - includes elements of religion and based on the principle "to admit their powerlessness over drugs" and "I live one day - day clean."

2. Religious programs - mostly working in churches and monasteries. These programs are built in such a way that a person needs to go into a deep religion, and through the recognition of God to escape from dependency. There are people who it helps, but it is those who sincerely believe in God.

3. The occupational therapy centers - are widespread throughout the world and work on the principle of "work from morning till night." In these rehabilitation centers are many factories, as in fact they have a free labor force.

4. Forced Rehabilitation - handcuffs and violence.

5. Are there centers. That could not clearly explain what they offer and what specific recovery procedure was used.

6. Centers using the Narconon program - recovery technique is based on the principle of "Man - the reason that happens to him." This technique is drug-free and enables people to regain lost during the years of drug use own abilities, to restore moral and ethical values, to learn to solve problems in life, which at the time led to the fact that people began to use drugs. From the point of view of the Narconon program - a drug addict is not a sick person - a person who has not resolved the problems of life. And it can be done!

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