Home > ALCOHOL > Alcoholism in The Family
Alcoholism in The Family
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2016 by Dream Come True
Not a few families have problems with alcohol. However, not everyone thinks as it affects children and marriage. From this habit of having problems at work, in the family, in communion with others. Alcoholism - a problem. Yielding to the influence of alcohol, a person becomes dependent on it. Over time, losing the human qualities that mainly affects the children. The alcoholic stops caring for the child, to buy clothes, going to school, and sometimes even fed. When the influence of alcohol people can not control themselves. He now and then pulls on the "exploits".
Children of alcoholics ashamed in front of their peers for their parents. They do not feel smartly in front of them. Closes and they develop the complex. Not a few cases of child abuse. And often assault in relation to his wife, with those in front of the children. This tension in the family of a negative impact on children's education. Children of those associates have a bad heredity. Chances are in the future be the same as the parents are great.
Many people know about such a problem as female alcoholism. If your family drinks a woman, it is doubly terrible! The conception of a child under the influence of alcohol can cause a variety of abnormalities in the fetus. Many people believe and think that female alcoholism can not be cured. The opinion is erroneous, this problem is completely solved. The main thing that people recognized that he is dependent and wanted to solve the problem. Relatives have to try to persuade the patient to visit a therapist. The doctor will take the first steps to a normal life. Today, there are many social organizations, which successfully treat addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs and one rehabilitation center for drug addicts Narconon. It should be recognized that there is a problem that you're sick. And if people in the future want to have a healthy family and children, you should pull yourself together and start treatment alc. Relatives need help and support. The patient should not feel abandoned. Only a sincere desire to be normal and healthy will get rid of addiction.
Category Article ALCOHOL
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