The Nature of The Alcoholic - The Treatment of Alcoholics

Alcoholism brings with it a change in human nature. The nature of his emotional reactions is increasingly and increasingly different from what it was before you started using alcohol . It is difficult to predict the reaction of the alcoholic at any given event. He is characterized by impermanence motives: an alcoholic can behave differently in similar situations. The behavior of the alcoholic defines random factors. So, as the reason for the booze, he can cause completely opposite reasons.

Lifestyle fan of alcohol characterized by passivity. It manifests itself in the stagnant development of the individual. All the time the alcoholic is distributed between work, otherwise not survive, and drunkenness. The rest is relegated to the background. The alcoholic turns away from former friends and acquaintances because their society he was not interested and do not need (of course, provided that they are not alcoholics). Various classes filled the leisure now seem to him unnecessary, tiring. He was not able to deal with nothing more than a long time, quickly loses interest in what he does, becomes impatient and irritable. Spiritual and social development stops. Caught in alcohol network drop out of school, losing interest in his work, does not seek to improve their social position, trying to convince others of the futility and uselessness of these aspirations and cruelly mocks those whose way of life opposed to his own. Sooner or later, the alcoholic will have to fight (although it is not capable of it) for the preservation of their social status. To justify his actions, he tries to prove that all his failures are caused by external circumstances or that its behavior conforms to the environment in which it rotates. If he is still able to treat yourself critically, he seeks salvation in a lie. Thus, an attempt to preserve a semblance of external well-being, to prove that nothing has changed, everything is in order.

Under the influence of alcohol radically change volitional qualities of man. He becomes impatient, inconsistent, undisciplined, easily susceptible to alien influences. Alcoholic short-tempered, restless, he is incapable of prolonged stress will. Lack of will and there is a defect that determines the identity of an alcoholic. His psyche is not integrated, there is no unity of consciousness and action, he will not be able to subordinate their activity goals. In the psyche of alcoholic and child many similarities, which is especially evident in the strong-willed and sensual sphere: inconsistency, exposure to alien influences, lability, uncontrollable passions, an inclination to unexpected acts, etc.

This character trait is lying, formed mainly under the pressure of social factors. Feeling his fall and condemnation of others is psychologically justified by the desire for compensation. The patient comes up to apologize for circumstances, to escape responsibility for their own affairs. It seeks to create an impression of his own usefulness, and moreover - exclusivity, arguing that alcohol does not destroy it, to justify the use of alcohol. The rhetoric about the alleged alcoholic alcohol favorable action as an attempt to avoid public censure.

Taking place under the influence of alcohol, intelligence changes occur primarily in a kind of lazy thinking. Patients try to avoid unusual jobs, avoid difficulties. They quickly tired of the spiritual activities of their active attention is weakened, it is too difficult to concentrate it. Thinking becomes stereotyped. This lack of initiative, dullness and inertia are called intellectual impotence.

Alcoholism Treatment - rehabilitation of alcoholics

This is a fairly accurate description of the person with alcoholism . To live or be near such a person is not easy, but given the fact that in Tatarstan and Russia as a whole the number of people with alcohol problems is steadily growing, the question arises. What is there to do? To live with such a person sometimes becomes very difficult. Wives leave, close throw up their hands and turn away from alcoholics state by and large do not care. Before even been LTP (medical labor dispensaries), which, although they did not solve the problem of alcoholism treatment, but it is a deterrent. At the moment, there is no this. Himself alcoholics tie is very difficult (it would be easy, would be tied). Treatment of alcoholism gives a very small percentage of the alcoholic recovery, as most eventually return to alcohol abuse.

Long-term rehabilitation is the only effective way to combat alcoholism. Rehabilitation is not a cure for alcoholism

•   Alcohol Rehabilitation is not a cure for alcoholism - is recovering of human abilities that have to use.

• Human skills training, how to deal with problems without resorting to alcohol.

• How to choose your environment, because the human environment is one of the key factors.

• Alcoholics Rehabilitation - a recovering of the moral and ethical person.

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