What is Vodka?

What exactly is vodka ?

A little history

In 100 grams of vodka contains 40 grams of ethanol and 60 grams of water. The first prototype of vodka was produced in the 9th-century Persian doctor Arstraykom, who first conducted the distillation process. In Europe, the first distillation of alcohol-containing liquid was obtained by the Italian monk - alchemist Velentiuzomom.

In Russia, the emergence of vodka had at the end of the 14th century. In 1386, after Genueskogo embassy brought to Moscow the first vodka (it was called the "living water" or "water of life") and presented to Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Alchemists of Provence boiling cube, invented by the Arabs to convert the grape mash into alcohol. In Europe, a huge list of alcoholic beverages was made of the "water of life": brandy, cognac, whiskey, schnapps, etc..

Vodka is included in the register of narcotic substances

Vodka is included in the register of narcotic substances. By definition, drugs - are any chemical compounds which are not naturally found in the human body and cause it to various disorders (physical and mental). It is also appropriate to mention psychotropic drugs - those that affect a person, causing behavioral changes (such as euphoria or hallucinations). Being a narcotic substance, vodka is a person addicted to alcohol, and subsequently, a person requires treatment for alcoholism .

The overall impact on the body

• Blood
Vodka inhibits platelet production. The result: anemia, infections.

• Brain
vodka slows blood flow in the cerebral vessels, leading to a constant oxygen starvation of its cells, which leads to a weakening of memory and slow mental deterioration.  Vodka is the early sclerotic changes in the vessels, and the risk of bleeding in the brain increases. Vodka, destroying brain cells and the nervous system, sometimes resulting in pneumonia, disturbance of heat and water exchange.

• Blue Devils - vodka is a phenomenon accompanied by extreme agitation, mental insanity, anxiety, fever, shivering, rapid and irregular heartbeat and hallucinations that often occur when receiving a significant amount of alcohol after a few days of abstinence. It arises due to the fact that vodka destroys vitamin B1.

• Heart
Vodka causes an increase in blood cholesterol levels, hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Alcohol myopathy - muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this degeneration of muscles - poor diet and alcohol damage to the nervous system. More precisely, vodka affects the heart muscle.

• Intestine
Vodka, constantly affecting the intestinal wall leads to cell structure change, and they are not able to absorb nutrients and mineral components. This results in the depletion of the body of the alcoholic.

• Diseases of
vodka destroys all the necessary vitamins, due to lack of vitamins the body gets diseases such as scurvy, pellagra and beriberi. Vodka is a constant heartburn and then the risk of peptic ulcer.

• liver
information indicating that the liver is able to neutralize 95% of vodka effect on the body is false. Of course, the liver - a filter inside of us. But, as in the car, the filter is subject to periodic replacement when dirty - liver it does not work. Not everyone can afford preventive liver transplant. Vodka destroys its tissue, entering into a chemical reaction with other substances, it makes it impossible to perform the functions of disinfection toxic body waste products, makes it impossible for the production of the most important for the proteins of the body - all this leads to a rather early death alcoholics.

• Pancreas
Vodka destroys tissue and it also violates the production of insulin - one of the major proteins of the human body. This causes the appearance of a dangerous disease - diabetes.

• Skin
Vodka rapidly ages the skin. The skin quickly loses its elasticity and begins to badly perform their cleaning function.

• Stomach
 Vodka suppresses the production of mucin (a protein responsible for the protection of the gastric mucosa). The result - the development of peptic ulcer disease.

Vodka and offspring

From the above it becomes clear that vodka effect on human lifespan. But this is only the outward signs of damage caused by it. Women, for example, one of the characteristic effects of alcohol misuse - the inability to bear a child. According to statistics vodka causes this effect in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol. Vodka is a very strong effect on sexual function. It leads to premature aging. Drinker woman in 30 years looks much older than his years, and in 40 - she was just an old woman.

On the negative influence of alcohol on the offspring is known since ancient times. Long before the present day has been observed. What drinkers are very frequent stillborn children or spontaneous abortions. If the child was born alive, it is almost always lags behind in development and becomes intellectually defective. By the laws of ancient Greece, young people marry, it was forbidden to drink alcohol. Drunken young husband was forbidden to touch the young wife.

Alcohol and children

In normal healthy children may be addiction to alcohol. Usually vodka disgusted. To use this drink very often pushes children natural curiosity and a bad example for adults. Once in the body of the child, vodka quickly spreads throughout the body with the help of the blood and is concentrated in the brain. Quickly affects children's thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.

I would like to underline the frequent cases of acute alcohol poisoning in children. Their bodies are very susceptible to all sorts of poisons. The nervous system and the brain is extremely vulnerable. In acute alcoholic poisoning of children of preschool and early school age is very frequent deaths.

Be attentive to their children and monitor their own actions in their presence.
From us - adults depends on their future happy life.

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