Drug Addiction among Children

This article is devoted to parents who are faced with such a terrible problem in my family, as drug addiction. How to be? What to do? Whom should I contact? In this article, I will try to answer the questions above and try to explain how to deal with a child in distress. I myself am a former drug addict, part of his adult life to consume almost all types of drugs. His parents, I brought a lot of grief and suffering, and I feel obliged to share with other parents how to act and behave, if your child is using drugs, and do not make mistakes typical of adults when dealing with an adolescent.

Quite often, parents notice too late that their children regularly use drugs, when it is becoming impossible to ignore because of every mother until recently trying not to believe in the following: "Not with my child! not only in our family! with anyone, but not with us! this can not be! ", so says every parent and this is normal.

Drugs this kind of thing to which you get used almost immediately, not a drug addict, even with experience will tell you that the addict and can not stop until it is really bad !!! Most often, teenagers start to use drugs to solve their problems in the family, in his personal life, trying to help them, compensate, something in itself, some complexes, etc. After all, any drug, in fact, it is a strong analgesic agent and drugged consciousness. Nearly all parents feel that they know their child aware of all of its problems and needs, but this is not always the case.

Teenagers from 16 to 23 years trying to prove to be an adult and independent, but in fact, they are very weak and susceptible to suggestion from outside, so to speak more "authoritative" peer or senior colleagues. One should pay attention to the social circle of their child, because consciously no teenager will not start using drugs on their own, almost always someone from friends or acquaintances offers for the first time free to try one or the other drug, saying at the same time, a huge "high" and its harmlessness . And with all this banal and begins practically at all. With further consumption of drugs is extremely teen behavior change, and you'll notice it right away, it will become more secretive, more time will be holding out, a strong increase in money demand, it will become more angry and nervous, lose interest in almost everything. Most often, parents and children do not understand each other, because of this, and begin differences and scandals - do not do this, always try to understand your child and talk to him about a human being, even if you suspect him of using drugs. I warn you once, probably just an honest conversation between you does not work, as I said above, I am not a drug addict does not recognize himself as such until recently. We strongly advise you not to put pressure on the teenager and NEVER call him a drug addict, or you will not get anything from him, and only further alienate! Just quietly and with understanding, talk to them about friends, about his leisure if given that be him eat guys on the street, how long and what he uses, show him that your intention is not to punish, but to help and you are a friend, not strict parent because basically punishment and scandal in the family are afraid of teenagers.

Your first task is to gather as much information about what and how much to accept a teenager if it really happened. And of course, do not just forcibly drag him to the narcologist narcological dispensary in , but more on that later! If your child because you did not say anything, but you understand more and more what happened to him that something was wrong, then offer to pass him a simple test for drugs sold in pharmacies, and until you are 100% sure that the child uses drugs do not carry a "dirty linen in public" or you will greatly complicate everything yourself. If the pressure on the teenager, dragged him to the doctors and psychologists, it will only lead to his escape from the house, no matter he is using, or not, can, in fact, be so.

So, you found out that your child is using drugs, suppose heroin or amphetamines , take the time to put it in a state hospital or in a psychiatric hospital, where gladly accept drug addicts for a fee. They went out from there almost every state of psychotropic substances, which they supposedly "cure." Psychotropic substances, in turn, have irreversible effects on the nervous system and brain of the person and the people who use long-term psychotropic drugs hardly be rehabilitated . After completion of this treatment in patients starting the horrible depression and insomnia, so in 99% of cases there is a return to the usual drugs, in order to alleviate the adverse symptoms of "treatment." I myself and many of my friends were treated in public hospitals, which often have to buy heroin and continue to use it safely, but if not, then the first road from the clinic is the road to the drug dealer.

I remind you that a person begins to use drugs to force any personal problems, and you can stop drinking entirely eliminating the very cause rather than a consequence - "eating and breaking." To get started just need to remove a teenager from his usual company and in general to change their place of residence, stress for a long time, because it is impossible in a short time to radically change a person's life, the more addict. Then you need to pick up a rehabilitation program, and until you decide where a person will be treated, and the choice is very large and varied, try to the maximum amount of time a teenager was home. I, in turn, has tried almost everything to change their lives and stop all use drugs , but nothing worked. After a while, I still come back to drugs.

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