Abstinence Syndrome - a Hangover

Abstinence syndrome - hangover , the census - is an essential feature of alcoholism . Usually, the morning hangover is characterized by a tendency to melancholy, heavy feeling, nausea, vomiting, trembling limbs, and an irresistible craving for alcohol. Also, the following phenomena are signs of withdrawal syndrome:. Mental malaise, sweating, dilated pupils, lack of appetite, tremors, and twitching, the revival of reflexes, palpitations, facial flushing, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, epileptic seizures withdrawal syndrome is formed gradually. In episodic drinking, it appears relatively weak and becomes apparent only after the adoption of a large amount of alcohol. Moderate doses do not cause withdrawal syndrome.

At this stage, you can feel better with the help of stimulants (cold showers, strong coffee or tea). Usually, the patient is able to wait for the end of the day, to "sober."

The second and third stages of chronic alcoholism
In the second stage of alcoholism - step habitual alcohol - display abstinence syndrome is not dependent on the amount of alcohol taken, and only the adoption of a particular dose of alcohol to some extent makes one workable.

At the third stage of alcoholism - alcoholism - are manifested all the signs typical of abstinence syndrome, the most severe characteristic neuropsychiatric disorders. In early disease, hangover continues for 1 ... 3 days, the long-term chronic alcoholism - for 3 ... 4 weeks.

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